Conflict resolution after a successful mediation process

Disputes happen every day at our places of work, at home, at accident scenes, and many other places. There are different types of alternative dispute resolution methods, including mediation, negotiation, and arbitration, that you can use to resolve disputes. Working with an experienced mediator during such times can be a guiding force towards resolving such disputes.

The success of mediation often depends on the preparation and of all parties to give the process a chance. Still, the skills of the mediator are significant in making the entire process a success.

Traits of a Good Mediator

But what makes a good mediator? How does one get disputants to agree? Here are seven traits that are invaluable when it comes to mediation:

1. Trustworthy

When parties show up for a mediation session, they should feel safe and be open to discussing confidential matters to reach an amicable solution. A good mediator should inspire trust by being the authority figure. They should show all parties that they intend to use their power to remain sincere and fair throughout the mediation sessions.

2. Ethical

During discussions with aggrieved parties, a good mediator should always be ethical. They shouldn’t impose their own opinions during mediation talks to interfere with the proceedings. A mediator should be professional and conscientious to avoid overstepping their boundaries.

3. Humble

A good mediator should handle situations and parties involved — regardless of how flawed they may seem — with humility, acknowledging that they also have their own flaws.

4. Patient

Patience is an essential trait needed when emotions run high or the process seems “stuck”. A party may take time to respond and so jeopardize the entire process. A patient and tactful mediator can remain calm and get everyone back on track when a party disrespects or offends them during mediation.

5. Logical

A good mediator should use rational thinking when following standard protocols to resolve an issue. They should understand the issues at hand and think about the best way to move forward when the mediation seems to have hit a dead-end.

6. Dedication

For an effective mediation session, a mediator should always be prepared. A good mediator should dedicate time before all mediation sessions to catch up on what transpired during the previous session, review carefully the material provided and come up with ideas on how to move forward. The parties can always tell when one puts in the effort and is dedicated to finding a fair solution.

7. Empathetic

Empathy can help a mediator remain unbiased throughout the mediation process. When one is empathetic, they put themselves in someone else’s position to get a better understanding of the situation. An empathetic mediator doesn’t have to side with any party, they just have to see the situation from each party’s point of view.

Contact Herd Dispute Resolution Today To Resolve Your Dispute

If you are involved in a civil law (non-criminal) dispute, reach out to an experienced mediator, like Charles herd, to mediate your dispute. A good mediator can help you resolve your dispute faster and at a lower cost than traditional litigation.

Our seasoned legal team is ready to help you navigate this process. We can serve as your mediator, to help you an your and your opponent find common ground and then resolve your dispute. Or we at Herd Law Firm can serve as your counsel, to explain the process and negotiate well on your behalf, and with your input. Either way, we will keep you informed, and apprise you the entire process will be private and confidential. Contact us today to discuss your needs.


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